What To Expect
- Your first visit is divided into two parts, background information and exam. Your background paper work can be downloaded from our site (below). Please print, fill in, and bring them along on your visit.
- Dr. George Tomes will complete your background paperwork and then do an exam.
- The second part of your appointment will be to go over our findings with you. Dr. George will explain what he has found and how to correct it.
- Once this evaluation of your health is complete, you are on your way to better health. Dr. George evaluates and measures what needs to be corrected, corrects it, then rechecks it. He will determine your treatment plan and verify that you are progressing as expected through your recovery.
Chiropractic New Patient
- Musculo-skeletal complaints, injuries and pain. It is widely understood by people all over the world that chiropractic helps many of these kinds of problems. The main role of a chiropractor, however, is not merely the reduction of pain, but treatment of subluxations. When we correct the structure of your body, it improves the function. To find out more about this, contact our office.
Nutrition new patient
- We do not diagnose or treat disease. We do not offer medical care. We offer alternative health care with the use of laboratory testing and the latest research on helping your body heal itself with the use of herbs, nutraceuticals, and whole food supplements. Many people benefit greatly with a variety of health conditions from the protocols used in this office.
Call Chiropractic Wellness by Dr. George today!
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
*Closed On All National Holidays*
Chiropractic Wellness
by Dr. George
144 Fox Drive
Dallas, GA 30157
(678) 777-3116